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Drug Scouts:
Demmeringstr. 32, 04177 Leipzig

Di: 09 - 15 Uhr / Do: 13 - 18 Uhr

an 17 J. männl. von mama63

Hallo an dich, 17 Jahre und an alle: Dieser Artikel (auszugsweise) ist aus der New York Times - The Doctors World- VON HEUTE(!) Die Herzinfarkte durch Cocaine bei jungen Menschen, auch bei Erstgebrauchern häufen sich, auch in Deutschland! Viel Spaß beim Übersetzen. _______________________________________________________________________ AS reports of cocaine-related deaths steadily accumulate, doctors are gaining a sharper awareness of the dangers of the drug. Increasingly, the doctors realize they must add cocaine abuse to their checklist of considerations when they are confronted with certain medical emergencies - in infants as well as adults. Among the most striking of cocaine"s dangers are the potentially devastating effects on the cardiovascular system. Recent reports have included the following: * A 33-year-old man from North Carolina used cocaine for the first time and suffered a heart attack a few hours later. * A 19-year-old man"s chest ached nearly every time he used cocaine. Finally, he had a heart attack. At his New England home five weeks later, he resumed cocaine use and had a second heart attack. A month later, he suffered his third heart attack, again after taking cocaine. Four months after his first attack, the man again complained of crushing chest pains, collapsed and died. __________________________________________________________________________ Ich weiß nicht, was mein Sohn genau genommen hat, wahrscheinlich Heroin, aber er hat auch noch andere Dinge genommen. Am 6.11.2008 jährt sich sein 1. Todestag und mein Herz ist so schwer.


  • Heroin



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