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HINWEIS: Wir haben haben derzeit viele Termine und uns erreichen viele Anfragen und Anrufe. Daher kann es grad 1-2 Wochen dauern, bis Ihr von uns eine Antwort auf eine Email oder einen Rückruf bekommt.



0341 - 211 20 22
Di: 9 - 15 Uhr / Do: 13 - 18 Uhr
Hier keine Telefonberatung!

0341 - 211 22 10
Do: 14 - 18 Uhr
Telefonberatung nur hier!


Büro allgemein:




Drug Scouts:
Demmeringstr. 32, 04177 Leipzig

Di: 09 - 15 Uhr / Do: 13 - 18 Uhr

Information instead of prejudice!

Dear visitors,

we provide you with information on drugs and safer nightlife, answer your questions and give you advise if you want to reflect on and / or change your consumption patterns. The offers are aimed at young people with and without experience in drugconsumption, relatives and friends of consumers, club staff, as well as students and other experts. Here you can find out more about us and our goals and here you can find the rest of our services.

General information about counselling:

The services are aimed at young people with and without experience of consumption, relatives and friends of consumers, as well as students and professionals. At present, counsellings can be held in German and English.
As a drug information project, we offer initial talks; for longer-term support in cases of addiction, we refer people to suitable addiction counselling centres / further help. All staff members are subject to the legal duty of confidentiality. No information is passed on to third parties (e.g. parents, authorities). The exception to this is in acute risk situations (e.g. risk to the well-being of children).

Office Hotline:

Tuesday: 09:00 to 15:00 hrs
Thursday: 13:00 to 18:00 hrs

Appointments (live and online) have to be made by calling our Office Hotline or mailing us: drugscouts@drugscouts.de

Drug Counseling Hotline:

Thursdays: 2.00 - 6.00 p.m.

Our services are based on the Saxon Corona Protection Rules and the Ordinance of the Saxon State Ministry for Social Affairs and Social Cohesion for protection against the Corona virus Sars-CoV-2 and COVID-19. You can find the current versions here: https://www.coronavirus.sachsen.de/amtliche-bekanntmachungen.html

Our individual hygiene concept has been confirmed by the Leipzig Health Office and is adapted according to the current regulations.

Translated Counselling

You would like to visit our counselling service but you don’t speak German or English? No Problem! Through the project SprInt Leipzig we can ask for translators for our counsellings. Unfortunately it doesn’t work spontaneously. Please tell us at least 2 days before you want to get counselled – we will try to organize a translator. Counsellings are anonymous, which means you don't have to give your name or adress. Counsellings are confidental. Counsellers and translators are not allowed to talk about any content of the talk to others. Counselling is free of charge. Information about SprInt Project and about languages available you find here:



in case of emergency dial the following numbers:

medical emergencies + firefighters:
Tel: 112

Addiction + Drug Hotline:
Tel: 01806 / 313 031

in case of illness:
Tel: 116 117

in case of emotional / suicidal emergencies:
Tel: 0800 111 0 111 und 0800 111 0 222

Hotline for children and Teenagers:
Tel: 0800 111 0 333

Hotline for parents:
Tel: 0800 111 0 550

Hotline for women who experience(d) violence:
Tel: 08000 116 016

Hotline for men who experience(d) violence:
Tel: 0800 1239900